Needed a new thread for this as the other was filled from the past BB attempt. So come here to tell uncle BB about how your feeling and also to ask any questions....
Hello BB how are you ? Just to let you know i am working quite alot at the moment, this Monday and Wednesday i am working 8am till 11pm so wont be online in that time, the rest of the week i am 8 till 5, so anyway you could delay the tasks in anyway, so i can take part ?
Most tasks will end in the hours of the next morning gers..... BB is good though thanks you, how are you?
Hiya Big Brother, I would just like to say you have made the house look fabulous. Also, where are the other housemates, its sooooooo quiet in here? Ryan.
I have no idea in where the other housemates are.... we just hope they turn up soon. Gers reply wouldnt go a miss though.
Somebody needs to start a poll as to who is fav to win FFBB 2007, but none of us though as other forum members wont be allowed to vote.
Simply because the person leading will obviously win it as it is the Forum users will vote to see who wins it plus whoever is leading will be overconfident