There was a death in the night. Scunnymadandy has been killed. He was a Spoiler Town Recruiter I am on phone so not going to put the vote count until I get home. This day phase lasts 36 hours.
Can you confirm that this should have been 11? Didn't notice yesterday but just looked at the player list to see who is left in the game and noticed the vote number doesn't match the number of players.
No idea. Given the theme I'd guess it's a neighbourhood of sorts with chat to balance out scum having day chat?
Any recruits that he makes would join a chat with him, I'm guessing, but looking on Google, if he recruits scum, the recruiter dies. (However I can't locate this any where on the Mafia Wiki page). If Sandsy is running it in the same format like above, then Scunny could have potentially attempted to recruit scum.
This won't look good. But Scunny recruited me to the chat. Which had him and someone else in it. That other person is town confirmed. I will obviously not say who that is. I joined the chat at the beginning of the night phase. So did chat a little bit with Scunny and the othet person mainly trying to find out if they were both town confirmed to each other. It was only at the end of the night phase they figured out they were. It's a shame as if the other person said yes instead of no initially I'd have claimed to them. I will be claiming to
On the assumption scum have day chat, I feel like Sme would just ask this in the scum chat. Kind of makes me town-lean him having asked in-thread. Also happy with Sheen so scum within this group: Baz, David, Frosty, Guyett, Hashtag, Jason, Papa, Sgt Not much to go off but I'll go here for now: Vote Hashtag