As there wont be any evictions, could you tell us all nominations by all housemates and reasons which will be fun to read ! If not, could you let us know if any housemates didnt receive any nominations ?
Okay then..... First Nominations was made alone by Scrumpy, he had to save one of the four who didn't complete their task. He chose to save Copacetic. Second nominations: TheBaRoN - 6 Scrumpy - 4 ColUtdTilIDie - 3 bcfc red robin - 2 Manders - 2 Luke - 2 fRED - 1 Ryan - 1 Sean - 1 Gers - 0 Copacetic - 0 Ryan later chose Sean to also go up with the top 3 as part of his prize. Third Nominations: bcfc red robin - 4 ColUtdTilIDie - 4 Scrumpy - 3 - WON IMMUNITY fRED - 3 Luke - 2 Copacetic - 2 Manders - 1 Sean - 1 Ryan - 0 Gers - 0 Fourth Nominations: Luke - 4 ColUtdTilIDie - 3 - WON IMMUNITY fRED - 2 Manders - 2 Ryan - 2 Copacetic - 2 Scrumpy - 1 Gers - 1 Sean - 1 Fifth Nominations: Decided via Team Task. Final: Public Vote for winner.