Yeah, this is true. 19/20 voted against (including City) and Newcastle abstained. Huge win for City though... Presumably if City are cleared of 114 charges in their next case and the Premier League are successful with one charge from the 115, it'll be a huge win for the Premier League.
Apparently it was 2 of the 25 complaints they made that were successful. Or, 8%. So in that case, 9 of the 115 have to stick to have a similar success rate
In fairness city only need to beat a select few charges out of the 115. The ones for non cooperation and then meaningless. The nature of their limitation means I am now of the opinion that explusion is the only solution to resolve this as the antics have got to the point of making the whole structure unsustainable. City have been steadily working to make a fake revenue level ever since they were caught out first and want that route closed to others to protect themselves now. Explusion gives the league the excuse to then relook at the spurious revenues and reset them too.
Seems strange when City were defeated on the vast majority of points. Will City have to pay more of the PL’s legal costs?
These City folk are like that Iraqi war minister/Saddams side kick or whatever he was? Who came on TV every morning during the invasions claiming Iraq to be "winning the war"
Generally the rule is that loser pays the (reasonable) costs of the winner, and technically city did win the case from what I understand. The league could only have won if the rules were found to be valid and lawful in their entirety. My assumption would be that the fact city lost on all those other points will greatly reduce the proportion of their costs that are considered reasonable, so they won't get anywhere near their full costs back. But that's a complete guess on my part
Nah, was this geezer, wasn't it? Comical Ali I think he was called. Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf - Wikipedia
Nope, Chemical Ali was someone completely different and very much not a figure of fun Ali Hassan al-Majid - Wikipedia