I will ill at the start and by the time it was getting intense, i had too much catching up to do. Sorry
In hindsight we had a good thing here and let the torro rosso drivers off easy. More chance of multiple Ferrari and Merc than them
My randomised game won't take long to set up so can have it running Monday if enough people are interested.
Anyway thanks for the game @David and well done @TLC for nearly grabbing a win. I think your decisions after losing SS and Hashtag were actually super good at engaging in maximum confusion.
They absolutely were to be fair. Not sure that was any intended logic behind them but sometimes they are the best plays.
Yeah I had thought for a while that between your investigations and Burg’s tracking that there were so many pro town powers but after realizing your investigations didn’t mean anything after a point it was kind of funny messaging you all the results.
I enjoyed watching this one. It was a nice set up and a lot of work had to go into it. Once burg (was it?) said tlc visited the same night a person died that should have been that I suppose. Poor Frosty did say he was the doctor in game but didn't reply to the posts asking for role after. How the mafia didn't kill guyett for his list alone I don't know but it started turning in the end towards suspicion so maybe useful in the end. Especially as ricci was not actually red bull. Zydus shots were gsme winning too.
Thanks for hosting the game @David Took me a while to get into it, simply because I have stopped watching F1 for decades, but eventually I did and it was fun. Well played @TLC. Mind you I was contemplating between shooting you & Josh, before we caught Andy.
I wanted the tracker role gone, as an UBU somewhere in my head if the tracker was gone I was safe to move around