I am in favour of it so long as there are proper guidelines in place (which there appear to be from what I have read). If someone is terminally ill I don't see any point in dragging out their or their family's misery and anguish if they are proven to have made that choice with a sound mind and no force.
In principle, I'm for it for me and mine. So I'd like it be legal and to remove the cop out of being able to go abroad if you can afford but don't do it here. I get that there may be unintended consequences but those I've heard don't outweigh the positives. I think some of the safeguards need tighter wording to achieve what they aim to but actually I'd like to loosen the criteria. What is proposed will be a start. The only moral (as opposed to religious) objection I've seen that I give any weight to is the idea that it will put pressure or offer opportunities for coercion on someone who feels a burden to family. That needs addressing but it doesn't outweigh the benefits for me.
I support it and think it has a place for those who choose that way to go. However, we must ensure the palliative care system is as good as possible for those who don't want assisted dying and also ensure safeguards are in place so nobody feels pressured into making that decision.
It is a moral question with no right or wrong answer. As such if you have one group enforcing an answer on another it leads to suffering. It is a legal minefield to negotiate as for every clear.case there might be 10 not clear. Plus the spectre of 3 crosses on a bit of paper comes up.
If you are dying and in unbearable agony why shouldn't you be allowed end it legally? If it was me in that situation i would hope i would given something to drink that would ease my passing very quickly.
It's the person who does it that has the issue based on whatever moral opinion you have. If you've a dr death shipman going round deciding someone with a flu can go then that's the other side of the issue.
I just read that Dianne Abbott has called the assisted dying bill as racist against black and Asian people my god that woman is dumb.
I'm for assisted dying in principle, and providing there are proper safeguards in place I am 100% in favour. The most cloudy issue seems to be the part of the 'assistant', because without assistance anyone who wants to (and is physically able) can take a load of pills and a bottle of scotch and do the deed themselves.
Not being funny Stret but that's what many depressed people do which is tragic but they wouldn't be allowed to have medical help to end their lives with assisted dying and rightly so.
Speaking as an outsider, I have changed my opinion on assisted dying in the past one year. Though there still needs to be strong guidelines, & not allowed to turn into what MAID is in Canada, where there have been cases where it has even been offered to some people who were simply seeking help for getting better.
Despite the sadly high numbers of people who are successful in taking their own lives, the 'reliability' of the various methods being sucessful is somewhat unreliable and in many cases even when it does work it's painful, messy and / or undignified. Assisted Dying is only for terminally ill people with 6 months or less to live who need it to be able to simply go to sleep and for the pain to stop and having the right to chose to do so in a dignified and humane manner
Dr harold shipman killed 284 old people so I think it's is entirely relevant in a conversation on assisted dying.
Harold Shipman was a serial killer. I am really struggling to see what that has to do with assisted suicide.
Care to make sure you dont end up with malign voices whispering in vunerable ears. He prey on the vulnerable and got away it for ears when it was illegal so what could similar get away with without the proper controls. My point was this is a moral decision for the individual but you have to have protections to prevent people like this example preying on people in hospitals are care homes who would otherwise be perfectly happy living out their time
That's why the legislation does feature protections so it isn't just as simple as a doctor getting a patient to say yeah can you kill me please, and off they go.
The vote / results are due on the Assisted Dying debate are due about 2pm. I very much hope that it moves ahead. I've just watched Kruger who did the 'case against' speech and a female politician saying more hospice places would negate the need for this so people can die in 'comfort' I now feel an overwhelming desire to give both him and her a dose of morphine and then punch them repeatedly so they can then take part in a discussion about how it's okay that morphine and other pain medications don't make the pain go away they simply make a person so off their tits they don't care about it as much and how much more 'humane' that is.