It didn't happen recently but a few months back a guy sitting just behind me in the cinema opened up a huge bag of crisps just as the film was starting. After a few minutes I asked him if he wouldn't mind if I started playing my tambourine (I didn't have one so don't ask) to which a couple laughed at which eventually sunk in to his thick skull and the crisps were put away.
Bloody hell, just checked to see for myself ( wasn't implying you were exaggerating at all ) Swear on my little lad's life that tickets are 7 notes. Was a quid booking fee in that. Why don't they just say tickets are 7 quid and do away with this booking fee bollocks.
Songs you hear in the morning but can't seem to shift out of your mindset . I've been whistling the A Team all morning
I did & still have . What's Ed " creepy weirdo " Sheeran got to do with The A Team ? Does he have a Bazooka on his Transit Van ? No he just pumps out lame music ! ( imo ) .
Blimey cheap up your way .... Showcase Winnersh recliner seats for the 21:30 showing so not even the 'prime time' Gladiator II 15·2 hr. 28 min. at Reading - Screen 10 on Thursday, 5 December 2024 - 9:30 PM General. 2 £27.00 Your seatsF6·F5 Subtotal£27.00 Administration charge£2.00 TOTAL:£29.00
Getting a handwritten letter from a woman totally unbeknown to me saying she can get me into heaven. I’m beginning to suspect the grim reaper is stalking me again but giving me hints this time. It’s sort of becoming a Christmas tradition, I’ll probably wake up Christmas morning to find Death at the end of my bed dressed as Santa and with a bit of holly on his scythe. Ho Ho Ho.* * I’m a big fan of the discworld books.
Some pubs start to run out of Guinness as supply limit bites Not annoyance, more amusement. The fact it's suddenly "cool!" for young people to drink Guinness, a drink that was thought of as an old man's pint when I came of age in the 80s. It's amazing what a bit of social media can do these days.