I can jump high for the ball and hit it off the wall. But I cannot do the dribbling in the air shit. Some people are just way too good. But I'm at diamond level in competitive which is pretty good and about my level.
It's such a good game. I slightly prefer the GTA series, and I think GTA V is still the best game I have ever played, but RDR2 is right up there. The story was fantastic and the game looks so good.
Bought myself a Steam Deck. Didn't get the Oled version as I got a 512gb LCD one from a friend on a really good deal, barely used. Found my old Steam account and going through the old titles I bought years ago. I can see I bought Half Life 2 in 2003 just after Steam launched. I completely forgot about that. Games like Fallout 4 plays immense on this thing, at 60fps on a TDP of 8. But no surprise on a game that old. Plays a lot of newer games at a great frame rate. I bought Elden Ring as I've yet to play it, plays on medium settings at over 40fps.
I bought an OLED 1TB version as a Christmas present for myself. So far I've only played a bit of XCOM2 on it but I really like the concept of the device.
Warzone 3 has got me hooked again. Feels a much more enjoyable game, I can't quite put my finger on why. Hell Let Loose has just come to Game Pass as well so that'll make a nice change of pace.
trying to decide if i should get the skyrim anniversary edition. the mods kept crashing the special edition on xbox one, but i thought it'd better on series x, especially since the anniversary edition comes preloaded with a ton of mods
Don't bother. I bought it on Steamdeck and ended up getting a refund. It's a complete mess and half the mods I tried stopped the game from working when they worked fine previously. In the recent introduction of an additional revenue stream in paid mods, Bethesda have ruined it.
Just found this thread. Recently finished Spiderman 2 on PS5 so went back to Battlefield 2042, which I know has an awful rep, but I'm actually really enjoying it. The fact that I can pick it up and have fun playing it for an hour or so, and then turn it off without it stealing half my life is underrated.
Always loved the look of this but it feels like the kind of game I wanna wait til it drops to about £20
It’s even better than it looks and the best pure fighting game I’ve ever played. Can’t recommend this highly enough dude and you’ll feel like a kung fu god when it all clicks. I beat the game within a few days but there’s enough content and challenge on master level to keep this game interesting for a long time. I literally played it for months
Another cool game worth checking out is “Rollerdrome.” Can only describe it as Tony Hawk on roller skates but with guns in a gameshow “The Running Man” type setting. Currently free on PS+ and doesn’t even take up a gigabyte on your hard drive.
How’s this for timing: Very nearly bought it the other day too but went for a game called “Pacific Drive” instead. Looking forward to giving Sifu a try.
it’s loads of fun dude. It’s not a button bashing game though, you’ll need to learn some moves and use the avoid a lot to start with (up and down on the left stick). Parrying is really effective in this game but it’s harder to time to start with. There is a training area where you can practice against any enemy or boss you’ve already faced. I hope you enjoy it dude, it’s easily 1 of my all time favourite games
Sifu is in this months PS+ Essential, d/l on Tuesday ----------------------- I liked the Remake of Final Fantasy VII Part 1 very much when it came into PS+ 2 years ago. Since February 29th the 2nd part Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is out. PS5 exclusive, though, so I can't play it with my PS4 pro. But I wanted to read about it and when you type " Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth" in Google search then "mysteriously" a yellow button appears with a Chocobo on it and when you click the button, suddenly the site "quakes" and some Chocobos running over the screen, the more you click on it, the more Chocobos are running
Bit of practise and you’ll be out of their in your early 20s mate. And I’d recommend practising the bosses in the training room as well once you’ve faced them for the first time. A couple of the later bosses can be roadblocks to your progress. Lose a few lives in those fights and your death counter will seriously hurt you in the next area. Fajar is the easiest boss by far so you’ll need to be beating him without dying if possible. Ironically he’s the hardest boss on master difficulty as the bosses get harder and quicker move sets, and he gave me all sorts of problems get environmental mastery so you can throw/kick objects and use weapons whenever you can. Pick and choose which skills are worth using. Some are far better than others. Chasing trip is almost essential as are a couple of others for crowd control. Crowd control is essential in this game Use avoid down as your primary defence as parrying is less forgiving. On disciple difficulty that is key to getting through the game. You don’t need to parry unless you play it on master difficulty(orc trying to earn a specific trophy), and most enemies don’t use many trips or low kicks. You can duck/slip 90% of the attacks, and just block any low kicks you’ll be smashing it as a young man soon with a bit of practice dude. How far have you got?