All well and good when you've got a club with some sort of structure in place to allow for a regroup and fresh start. The club's a shambles and I'd say it's more likely we get stuck in League 1 than a swift return to the Championship, I'd even say it's more likely that we'll fall further before we get back to the Championship.
I am sure that most of us on Sunday in the mix at some point swore the bastards would give us a heart attack. So did one of our lads on the minibus (in his 40's) On the way home he stopped drinking and went very quiet we just presumed maybe the day had taken it's tole, that later turned into us believing he had received some bad news regarding his Mother as he got off the bus and went straight opt the hospital with his wife. Turns out he went to hospital for himself and is still in it has been confirmed that at some point after the game he had a heart attack and is very lucky to be alive. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to worry anyone and just presumed he had pulled a muscle.
Actually watched True Geordie's latest video despite what it was obviously going to be about. He excused Stockdale from getting his "Wanker of the Week" award, despite calls on his Twitter to give it to him. Because "The lad did well I've been told and they are in the Premier League" and also because it wasn't a mistake that blew the Prem title, he let him off and gave it to the Venky's in a one-off "Wankers of the Week". As usual he talks sense 99 percent of the time, but what's he said is the best thing I have ever heard anybody say on the issue (almost).
Wonder how many people who read this at the time predicted the resulting outcome? The Bollywood billionaires of Blackburn | Daily Mail Online
David Stockdale has redeemed himself with Newcastle fans by manning up that he was a little hasty with his bottling the title comments. Fair play to the fellow. I'd guess that the vast majority of us lot will be pleased that us two have achieved our goals this year. But Blackburn - hope their fortune changes with their owners. It's a good away game. Great fans, from the times I've been there.
It's all well and good having a fresh start, dropping down a league blah blah but as mentioned in here previously you have to have some sort of plan or faith in the owners for that to happen and then have a good season. Unfortunately I just can't see Blackburn doing well next season. You'd expect them to have a large budget but let's be honest just look at the transfer fees they've paid for players in the past couple of years.. practically non existent so I wouldn't be so confident about their chances right now
That's the tginfE="Billwill, post: 8587264, member: 3492"]David Stockdale has redeemed himself with Newcastle fans by manning up that he was a little hasty with his bottling the title comments. Fair play to the fellow. I'd guess that the vast majority of us lot will be pleased that us two have achieved our goals this year. But Blackburn - hope their fortune changes with their owners. It's a good away game. Great fans, from the times I've been there.[/QUOTE] Thats the thing, we had our minimum targets for the season and met them, reasons to be cheerful and all that jazz. Went to Blackburn this season, was a very friendly area and the supporters we met told us how much they're hating seeing a club they love crumble before their very eyes. One of the best grounds I've ever been to also and you get a good view at an away game behind the goal. Hope Newcastle get rid of making away fans sit high up lol!!