Hab' gerade Garrincha's Post im Forum gesehen. Auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag. Ein runder oder schon +1?
I asked zippy if it is his 60th Birthday (like mine in December 2022) or if he is now already 61. Didn't want to post his age explicitly so I used an "euphemism" for it. ;) 10th, 20th, 30th etc Birthdays are called a "runder Geburtstag" in German ;)
As I've lived here since 1984 and only see the Blades on trips back home these days it has to be Bayern. I have had a season ticket since 1987 and although I now live up north and don't get to every game I still see them live on tv and about 10 times a season in the ground.
I present to you the most evil man of all time according to my alarmingly accurate top 10 list, Zippy! ;)