Week 1 NorthendSoul - 21 Ipswich 1 - 13 Monty - 13 Cal_BCFC - 12 Red Dog Chris - 12 Celtic Shield - 12 Dee Hatter - 11 Sky Blue Matt - 11 Reading fc 1989 - 11 Super_horns - 11 Adz - 11 Red Devil 19 - 10 Dale4ever - 10 Auntie Mabel - 9 Panja - 6 He was the first to predict and @northendsoul leads the way with a very strong score already leaving a gap to the rest of us! Welcome to our new players and good luck! Hopefully will be a season free of disruption after COVID/Word Cup affected seasons.
Week 2 NorthendSoul - 36 (15) Super_horns - 28(17) Ipswich 1 - 27 (14) Celtic Shield - 27 (15) Monty - 27 (17) Red Devil 19 - 26 (16) Auntie Mabel - 24(15) Dee Hatter - 24(13) Adz - 23 (12) Sky Blue Matt - 23 (12) Dale4ever - 22 (12) Cal_BCFC - 21 (9) Reading fc 1989 - 21 (10) Red Dog Chris - 19 (5) Panja - 15 (9) The Rev Sky Blue - 11 A close scoring week but most had to rely on the extra bonus points to score well.
Week 3 Dee Hatter - 48 (24) NorthendSoul - 46 (10) Super_horns - 44 (16) Celtic Shield - 42 (15) Monty - 41 (14) Panja - 38 (23) Red Dog Chris - 37 (18) Sky Blue Matt - 35 (12) Ipswich 1 - 35 (8) Dale4ever - 35 (13) Red Devil 19 - 39 (13) Auntie Mabel - 34 (10) Adz - 33 (10) Reading fc 1989 - 33 (12) Cal_BCFC - 30 (9) The Rev Sky Blue - 20 (9) We have a new leader but no stranger to top spot @DeeHatter A good scoring week for those nearer the bottom has seen a few changes to the table with @Panja and @RedDogChris moving on up.
Week 4 NorthendSoul - 62 (16) Celtic Shield - 59 (17) Dee Hatter - 58 (10) Super_horns - 55(11) Red Dog Chris - 51 (14) Red Devil 19 - 51 (12) Monty - 50 (9) Panja - 47 (9) Sky Blue Matt - 47 (12) Dale4ever - 47 (12) Reading fc 1989 - 47 (14) Ipswich 1 - 46 (11) Adz - 46 (13) Auntie Mabel - 43 (9) Cal_BCFC - 43 (13) The Rev Sky Blue - 32 (12) A good scoring week with most into double figures. NES regains the lead and some former winners move on up too.
Week 5 NorthendSoul - 64 (2) Dee Hatter - 60 (2) Celtic Shield - 59 (-) Super_horns - 58 (3) Red Devil 19 - 57 (6) Reading fc 1989 - 54 (7) Red Dog Chris - 54 3) Adz - 52 (6) Monty - 52 (2) Sky Blue Matt - 51 (4) Dale4ever - 50 (3) Panja - 49 (2) Ipswich 1 - 48 (2) Cal_BCFC - 48 (5) Auntie Mabel - 47 (4) The Rev Sky Blue - 34 (2) Well a shocking round for most there but the Championship is very unpredictable I guess! I think most got more in the extra bonus round than the actual predictions.
Week 6 Dee Hatter - 88 (280 NorthendSoul - 86 (22) Super_horns - 79 (20) Red Dog Chris - 74 (20) Dale4ever - 73 (23) Red Devil 19 - 72 (15) Ipswich 1 - 70 (22) Cal_BCFC - 70 (22) Monty - 68 (16) Panja - 68 (19) Adz - 66 (14) Sky Blue Matt - 66 (15) Celtic Shield - 59 (-) Reading fc 1989 - 54 (-) Auntie Mabel - 54 (7) The Rev Sky Blue - 54 (21) Firstly I hope @celtic shield147 is ok as they have missed a couple of rounds now. We have a new leader in @dee Hatter and well done to @dale4ever , @Ipswich1 , @Panja and @Monty who all scored well to move up the league.
Week 7 Dee Hatter - 95 (7) NorthendSoul - 91 (5) Super_horns - 83 (4) Red Dog Chris - 80 (6) Dale4ever - 79 (6) Ipswich 1 - 78 (8) Red Devil 19 - 77 (5) Cal_BCFC - 75 (5) Monty - 74 (6) Adz - 73 (7) Panja - 72 (4) Sky Blue Matt - 71 (5) Auntie Mabel - 61 (7) The Rev Sky Blue - 59 (5) Celtic Shield - 59 (-) Reading fc 1989 - 54 (-) A low scoring week with not much change in the table. @Ipswich1 and @Adz moved up a place.
Week 8 Dee Hatter - 115 (20) NorthendSoul - 111 (20) Super_horns - 103 (20) Red Dog Chris - 99 (19) Dale4ever - 96 (17) Ipswich 1 - 94 (16) Cal_BCFC - 94 (19) Red Devil 19 - 77 (-) Adz - 92 (9) Panja - 91 (19) Monty - 89 (15) Auntie Mabel - 86 (25) Sky Blue Matt - 84 (16) The Rev Sky Blue - 72 (13) As we were at the top and well done to @Auntie Mabel for top scoring.
NorthendSoul - 132 (21) Dee Hatter - 131 (16) Super_horns - 121 (18) Dale4ever - 119 (23) Cal_BCFC - 116 (22) Red Dog Chris - 106 (7) Adz - 102 (10) Monty - 102 (13) Ipswich 1 - 100 (6) Panja - 99 (9) Sky Blue Matt - 99 (15) Auntie Mabel - 94 (8) The Rev Sky Blue - 81 (9) Red Devil 19 - 77 (-) An impressive scoring week sees @northendsoul move top and @dale4ever jump up the table. Congratulations to @Cal_BCFC , @RedDogChris , @Ipswich1 , @Adz and @Monty for passing 100 points.
Superhorns, just got back from holiday and I’ve noticed that I scored 16 in week 8 not 13 as shown in table. thanks
Week 10 Dee Hatter - 161 (30) NorthendSoul - 148 (16) Super_horns - 141 (20) Cal_BCFC - 140 (24) Dale4ever - 137 (18) Sky Blue Matt - 123 (24) Panja - 122 (23) Red Dog Chris - 121 (15) Monty - 118 (16) Auntie Mabel - 113 (19) Adz - 110 (8) Ipswich 1 - 104 (4) The Rev Sky Blue - 94 (13) Mavrommatis kiriakos - 94 (17) A pretty good total over the 2 game days but congratulations to @DeeHatter on a fantastic total which sees them race into the lead., Well done to to @Cal_BCFC @SkyBlueMatt @Panja too for strong scoring.
Week 11 Dee Hatter - 173 (12) NorthendSoul - 163 (15) Super_horns - 154 (13) Cal_BCFC - 146 (6) Dale4ever - 144 (7) Sky Blue Matt - 137 (14) Monty - 134 (16) Red Dog Chris - 128 (7) Panja - 122 (-) Auntie Mabel - 122 (9) Adz - 121 (11) Ipswich 1 - 118 (14) The Rev Sky Blue - 110 (16) Mavrommatis kiriakos - 94 (-) Not much change in the table as everyone got around the same but @RedDogChris and @Monty do move up
Week 12 Dee Hatter - 180 (7) NorthendSoul - 175 (12) Super_horns - 159 (5) Cal_BCFC - 156 (10) Dale4ever - 152 (8) Sky Blue Matt - 151 (14) Monty - 141 (7) Red Dog Chris - 140 (12) Panja - 128 (6) Auntie Mabel - 127 (5) Adz - 125 (4) Ipswich 1 - 121 (3) The Rev Sky Blue - 116 (6) Well done to @RedDogChris for the only person who went very bold with the bonus! @northendsoul edges closer to @DeeHatter
So can I ask what’s happened to Mavromatis, who very nicely has been keeping me from being bottom the last few weeks. I’m very comfortable being bottom, I’m just used to it, but my friend mavro has been inspiring me hugely and inspired me that one day I’d be 3rd from bottom, so superhorns my friend, where has mavro gone
Not sure - he posted twice then hasn't for a few weeks. I hope @celtic shield147 is ok as he suddenly stopped posting. too.
Week 13 Dee Hatter - 197 (17) NorthendSoul - 194 (19) Sky Blue Matt - 175 (23) Super_horns - 167 (9) Cal_BCFC - 167 (11) Dale4ever - 165 (13) Monty - 163 (22) Red Dog Chris - 149 (9) Auntie Mabel - 136 (9) Panja - 134 (6) Ipswich 1 - 133 (13) Adz - 131 (6) The Rev Sky Blue - 126 (10) A good scoring week for the top 3 and congratulations to @Monty for a very good score.