Housemates this is Big Brother..... Big Brother, OneGaryJohnson, would like to thank each and every one of you who participated. You have been great sports, and have been great at keeping the forum active. Each of you have followed the rules and have helped me a hell of a lot. Those who are in the final tonight, congratulations and I will be pleased for who ever wins and recieves the prize. You all deserve something for keeping this lively but you won't so.... HA! To whoever is reading this who was not involved thanks for voting and helping me out with evictions, even if you thought this was shit you took time to vote and help and i am thankful for that. And finally to TLC and Stret, a HUGE help, I have said it a lot over these past 21 days but thanks alot for everything. TLC even banned Walsall_fc . I'd be happy to host this again in a few months if anyone is intrested and the Admin and Mod's allow a follow up. Thanks again everyone. Feel free to post in this thread, that applies to anyone housemate or not. OneGaryJohnson, Big Brother.