I know you have seen them before but that gig last night was 2hr 40mins of raw rock and roll. Brilliant show. I swear Joss Freese hits the drums harder than anyone I have seen. Came out of the gig a bit deaf tbh!! Next up for us - Love Actually The Musical on December 16th
Went to see the Foos on Monday in Melbourne and I have to say that was by far the best performance by the band and in particular Dave, who rocked for the whole gig. I was very impressed with his vocals for the entire show, this is the third time I’ve seen him and his voice has been a bit ropey at times but not that night. Now in New South Wales, having a look at the Blue Mountains before we go to Sydney on Friday for the gig on Saturday. I like being me..
Hope you are slip, slop, slapping and keeping safe mate seeing as it is in the 40s in Sydney today. Enjoy the gig again
Yeah, I can confirm that I slipped, slopped and slapped like a good ‘un today mate. There was talk that the trains were going to be cancelled it was so hot but it only reached 37 degrees in the end so all good. As for the show, another epic gig, fourth (or fifth, who’s counting) time I’ve seen him now and he seems to be getting better. Had a great view as well tonight, paid a bit more but I could see his nasal hair from where I was standing.
Nah, not jealous, not jealous at all, even though I watched them 10 days ago Glad you enjoyed it again mate
Just off to see Nick Cave in town. Playing a solo set - well, nearly, he’s got Colin Greenwood on bass - I’ve seen the set list he’s playing and I am pumped..