Yeah, I think so. The one where you had to convert litres into pints? You may have been doing it on a different exam board.
Hmmm. Have you school paid for that SAM LEARNING web site? Mine paid for 180 kids to be subscribers for a year
My maths teacher was this huge australian cricket/rugby player, semi pro at both back in australia, however everyone respected him, he would never shout loud at you, he would just put you down and make you feel embarrassed but he wasa brilliant teacher
My teacher swam into a boat and has a metal plate in her head. She also wears wennie the pooh jumpers with grave stains on them. Ive got a picture of her on my phone, wait a few minutes and I'll upload it.
Ther one on the left is a kiddy called Dave, he has some problems and eats toast and crisps for breakfast lunch and dinner. They can be our new pets.
Indeed. Sometimes when she is talking she forgets to take breath's so she slowly looses oxygen sounds constipated. But she has no idea on recent technology so thats quite funny when were listening to out iPods or phones or what ever.
No, but she can pick up signals when were using our moblies. It really is funny. But I feel sorry for any kids below Year 9 who have to be taught by her.