Welcome to the Awards Night Housemates. Before i read out the Awards as voted for by you, the housemates, this is how Big Brother, myself, would have voted from my Point of view.... 1. BEST HOUSEMATE. - Ryan....... Jus' been brilliant. 2. FUNNIEST HOUSEMATE. - Scrumpy........ Retard Pics. 3. WORST HOUSEMATE. - Cufc till i die...... Wanted to come back but did shit all. 4. MOST OFFENSIVE HOUSEMATE. - Scrumpy..... Retard pics. 'nuff said. 5. BEST TASK. - The Team Task...... Made Ryan go crazy. 6. BEST THREAD. - Hard work having sex at work........ I made love on a cliff in a car... to a cyber girl. 7. BEST MOMENT. - Polly dying..... Walsall_fc getting banned came a close second. 8. BEST PET. - Stitchface...... Did anyone actually like him? 9. OH DEAR MOMENT. - Copacetic being confused at the beggining and turning up two days late, he couldnt understand where all the forums went. . 10. WHO'S GOING TO WIN? - Gers. And here is how you voted.... 1. BEST HOUSEMATE. - SEAN and RYAN - 2 votes TheBaRoN, Scrumpy and 'None of them' - 1 vote. 2. FUNNIEST HOUSEMATE. THEBARON and SCRUMPY - 2 votes fRED, Gers and Sean - 1 vote. 3. WORST HOUSEMATE. RYAN - 3 votes bcfc red robin - 2 votes TheBaRoN and Cufc till i die - 1 vote. 4. MOST OFFENSIVE HOUSEMATE. THEBARON and CUFC TILL I DIE - 2 votes Scrumpy, London Lion and Luke - 1 vote. 5. BEST TASK. TEAM TASK - 4 votes FF BB Awards - 2 votes. Wheel Of Fortune Letters - 1 vote. 6. BEST THREAD. CSI:BB, HARD WORK HAVING SEX AT WORK, HOUSEMATE LIST, WORD GAME, F.A.O. SEAN, BARON AND LUKE and KAPPA TRAINERS - 1 vote. 7. BEST MOMENT. POLLY'S DEATH - 2 votes Retard Pics, Ryan Cheating, Stichface arriving and Polly arriving - 1 vote. 8. BEST PET. POLLY - 4 votes. Stitchface, Ryan and Scrumpy - 1 vote. 9. OH DEAR MOMENT. TheBaRoN and Cufc till i die comings and goings - 2 votes LL Breakdown, Ryan Cheating, Walsall fc, Ryan's Breakdown and Scrumpy bumming TheBaRoN - 1 vote. 10. WHO'S GOING TO WIN? Sean - 3 votes Gers, ColUtdTilIDie, Copacetic and Ryan - 1 vote. Congratulations to the winners. OGJ, BB. Good Luck to all of those involved in tonights Double Eviction.
10. WHO'S GOING TO WIN? - Gers. ------------ 10. WHO'S GOING TO WIN? Sean - 3 votes Gers, ColUtdTilIDie, Copacetic and Ryan - 1 vote.
I was joint top in most funniest, and im ignoring the "scrumpy bumming baron" thing, it seems as though they have been talking to carl a bit too much