I got this off another forum I visit regularly - may have been made before but still a cool idea What game are you playing atm or in the middle of completing for example Please feel free to add your gamertag or PSN username as people may be interested in adding you - not many people I'm guessing use the gamertags thread! -------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Playing: Blur; PES2010; FM and God of War 3 Details: XBL - Cre5po; PSN - Crespo2009; Steam - Crespo2008 -------------------------------------------------------------- Collection of Gamertags. Crespo: XBL - Cre5po, PSN - Crespo2009, Steam - Crespo2008 Digital Twisted: PSN - DigitalTwisted, Steam - DigitalTwisted SJFC Craig: XBL - ViperousCow Dan: PSN - danshockhorror Ilsinho: XBL - x Krasic 17 BCFC Mike: XBL - GroovyGrimble, PSN - BCFCMike94 AdzSAFC: XBL - adz870 Cescy Football: PSN - Cescy-Football, XBL - JT 2K10 Benzel: PSN - Benzel, XBL - Bienzedell JackSUFC: PSN - DazBlade88 Speakers: PSN - PompeyMike1 'Uddersfield: XBL - Phila1 BCFC Chris: PSN - ChrisCooper92 Sacko: PSN - J_SackMan Posh Josh: PSN - PoshJosh1991, XBL - ll Posh Josh ll TAFKAP: PSN - Sentinel_Roqeze, XBL - Per4orm BigBlueMachine: XBL - Contact Kano Skippy: XBL - vintage pwn Kafka: PSN - Kafka_86 jasethevillain: PSN - jasethevillain, XBL - astonvillawoo SouthendBlue: PSN - LStoker14 Jay The Gunner: XBL - Guffed scunnymadandy: XBL - scunnymadandy Baggy: PSN - dbaggy27 OnTheHippidyHop: XBL - OnTheHippidyHop Mayzie : PSN - Mayzie83
Currently playing: Killzone 2; World Cup 2010 and PixelJunk Monsters Details: PSN: DigitalTwisted Steam: DigitalTwisted X-fire: DigitalTwisted
Currently Playing: FIFA 10 (single player), FM09, and right now about to start a a game on RTW: Barbarian Invasion. Pointless putting my PSN details as I havent played online in weeks, and until a new game im interested in comes out, probably wont for a long while.
Currently playing: Fifa World Cup 2010 (Xbox) and COD MW2 (PS3). I completed Red Dead Redemption a few weeks back, but I need some new games me thinks. Might go back to some of my old games to try and complete them, like Batman for example. I was really enjoying that game until I got stuck on a mission.
Currently playing: COD:MW2, RDR, Assassin's Creed 2 on Xbox 360 Mostly just play MW2 with a mate online. RDR I keep coming back to, never played multiplayer however. Assassin's Creed 2 I finally gave a chance, loving the game. 360 ID: OnTheHippidyHop
Currently playing: Fifa WC and NBA 2010. Ill hopefully get Red dead Redemption in the next week or so.
Add Dead Space to my list. I finally broke into the plastic wrapping and started playing the damn thing.
XBL - scunnymadandy Currently playing; Fifa 10 (online), Fifa World Cup 2010, COD 4/MW2 (online) and Red Dead Redemption.
Finished the first two chapters last night, survival horror games aren't really my thing which is why I haven't gotten into it until now, but it is a very good game so far, I'll be cracking on with the next few chapters when I get home in about 40 mins.
They aren't mine either, but it blew me away, I guess maybe because it came out of nowhere. DS2 is easily one of my most anticipated games, even though it's not due til Q1 2011.
Yeah, I reckon with Move coming out, and the PS3 getting the excl. Collectors Edition with Dead Space Extraction bundled in, I might go for that.