Career Mode: - An actual U21 league for the academy would be fantastic. - AI Managers getting sacked/hired. - Clubs adapting their playstyle to which ever AI manager is managing their club. - Sponsors for Create a Club - Being able to sub the entire XI during preseason. Player Career Mode: - Essentially to try and do its best to replicate NBA 2K player career mode. - Get rid of the current match rating system (it's bollocks). - AI players get dropped after consecutive poor performances.
As long as they can rinse the masses with FUT each year, there's no incentive for them to actually make a good career mode. 95% if Fifa players only play for FUT.
This is a very unfortunate truth. Since PES has died, there aren't really any football games for career mode players unless you replay old games. i don't really do player career mode or fut, but this could be a thing. maybe. i dunno.
the main upgrade for me will be the fact i will likely be getting a PS5 at some point between now and December, so will notice the gameplay difference from the PS4
To be fair, Undisputed early access was Beta so until the Full Game comes out, I'll check it out and see if it's worth buying. However, please do provide an update.
I've tried the Beta a few times now. It's... pretty dire if I'm honest. There are definitely framerate and optimisation issues, but these I can forgive. What I can't get my head around are the new menus - absolutely fricken horrific. The gameplay itself feel stilted and "in mud", even with top level players. Creativity in passing is non-existent. If you want to beat a man, learn skill moves as it seems that's about the only way. Even left stick dribbling has taken a major hit. So yeah, currently it's a skill move simulator with horrible graphical stuttering and horrendous menus. Can't wait.
Seen enough of this on twitch and youtube to know it's shite. Might pick this up in the new year when the price tanks but they've got no chance of getting €80 out of me for this.
I refuse. Not just for the ridiculous initial price but the constant pushing of ultimate team down your throat. It's all a scam, people spending hundreds of pounds on things that don't really exist that will become irrelevant and worthless in less than a year.
Gameplay is pretty good but some big glitches that need a patch. The most obvious one is there is no prematch lineups. It goes from the cutscene coming off the bus to kickoff right away.
Sometimes it's not even a year. Gold cards that kids spend a fortune to get at the start of the game become obsolete fairly quickly once the first batches of promo cards come out, then those promo cards become obsolete after a few more weeks, etc, etc.
I only tend to buy it these days to play pro clubs with my mates, otherwise I’ll play career mode to pass the time. Speaking of career mode, it’s actually made me so angry that it is exactly the same as last year but they’ve added coaches. Even the cut scenes when signing players is the same, as is the negotiation of contracts etc. It’s so f*cking lazy.