There should be somebody local who can clean it, and it is normally pretty cheap. My PS4 sounded like it was about to take off, but after having it cleaned out, by somebody who knew that they were doing, it was as good as new. Touch wood, my P5 is still okay.
There are some Local Electronic places but not sure I trust them. One for sure as they've been on BBC Rogue Traders for being con artists. I'll keep this in mind. Thing is though, it only happened when playing Gran Turismo.
fingers crossed that there are going to be sub £350 deals for PS5 OG disk consoles come Black Friday week Technically the new ones arent going to be called slims - they are simply phasing out the originals, and once they have sold out the new ones will become the only available ones.
Nah, I can't see it. I'll be surprised if you will get PS5s even without a bundled game for less than £400. They're still selling like hotcakes, they don't need to knock £100 off to make more sales.
so currently disc console only is now £370.... hoping for some magic tomorrow, although will probably take the plunge no matter what on a bundle deal of some description if its between £350 - £400
Yeah, looks like they're trying to get rid of the old generation consoles before the slim comes to the UK the end of this month. For me, given that internally the slim is pretty much identical to the last revision of the non-slim model (the APU is the exactly the same one so the power consumption is identical - all that has changed is a PSU redesign and a reduction of the system board by consolidating certain chipsets like the SSD nands) and the non-slim in my opinion looks better, I'd jump at that if I was looking to buy one right now.
theres lots of breakdown videos etc on youtube. One of the small concerns with the slim is that they have condensed the potential venting around the motherboards. Only time will tell RE: overheating all i will probably do is either have it in its own cupboard/drawer underneath the TV, or put some stealth plates on it so it doesnt look quite as intrusive
There are already videos of the slim overheating whilst playing Spiderman 2 but that could just be rare examples. Still, I've had the last revision of the non-slim since March through a Good Of War bundle and haven't had a single issue. I'd suggest you pull the trigger now before the slim becomes the only model you can get.
There's some great deals on NVMe drives currently btw. I got this recently for my PS5. Insane deal imo. Biggest criticism I have of the PS5 is the storage. 600ish gb isn't enough really when most games that come out now are 80-120gb. Pretty sure everyone here can relate to having to delete games when you want to play something new. This has sorted that for me.
I'd be tempted to update my Samsung 980 1tb for that, except I'm about to pull the trigger on an OLED Steamdeck.
Dammit, holding out for today backfired, lots of deals OOS so had to plump for a console only. Will be trading in a PS4 over weekend so that will offset some cost
You can at least us external HDD now though? And read somewhere that if you have PS4 games preinstalled they should copy over?
Finally got myself a ps5, been out the game a while (Ps4 died) so quite excited to game again. Still have a young child to contend with so tempted by the portal down the line. Anyone here got the portal?
I have it's not the best tbh bit of a waste of money it disconnects from the PlayStation a lot and you have to have the main system in rest mode to even play it.
Nah my wi-fi is pretty good just has issues connecting to the PS5 even when I'm in the same house it's weird. I could probably find out how to fix it but I barely use it and I'm lazy ahaha.