Too bloody right.If Jamie Vardy gets done Meggo will be publically hanged at the Hawthorns on the pitch during half time interval
Isn't that a shorter version of Patrick. Patrick Bonner was the Irish goalie and he was always called 'Packie Bonner' on TV.
Dave Whelan was slated for saying Jews chase money and defending Mackay's use of the word chink whilst calling them chingalings. He had to go on some racial awareness course. I think TLC and Tafkap should send Lord Megson on one of those too.
That was amusing in a face palm way wasn't it. Getting the older folk used to what they can't say etc etc. I think we need to be careful as he issue was created initially by a shortened version of 'Pakistani' - which came to be used against them in a threatening, racial and aggressive way. Not every shortened national name is offensive - like us 'Brits', which no one minds. Suppose it's a problem if you're illustrating where people 'come from'.as compared to what they 'look like'.
Its a bit of a mine field in all honesty though. I think most people realise that 'chinks' would potentially be offensive, but I never knew that 'oriental' is also viewed as offensive. I'm normally pretty aware of these things as I have a mixed race family and alot of my friends are from all different backgrounds and beliefs. Asian is apparently the correct term although people from south east asia are very different to people from west asia
Always saw Packie or Paddy as Irish shortenings for Patrick, whereas the English tend to use Pat. Could be wrong but that was my understanding.
Yes I'm aware and it was a bit tongue in cheek. On Bamford , he has never been known by that name and generally you seldom see it used. I mean how many times did you hear commentators gushing over Packie Kluivert, Berger or Vieira? Yes they ain't Irish, but neither is Bamford. LM kept on calling him it but had no real reason to.
I'm a Black Country boy and that area & Birmingham has had a large numbers of Irish immigrants over the last 100+ years, including my family. I've heard the names paddy and packie back home so it's really not that much of an unusual term
I wonder why. In all fairness I have posted in there, just not since the result. That result is the reason that I've popped in here!
A workmate of mine is married to a Chinese girl.He still refers to a Chinese takeaway on a Saturday night as "having a chinky" She doesn't see any offence in it. Maybe other people take it differently
To be fair we all have to be respectful of others feelings. For example the word Mong or mongy is terrible. We can oftenly use such words with ignorance though and not actually mean offence to what it can mean to another person. We need to think before we write/speak at times.