And Gordon Brown was actually cheered at the same time Looks like Camerons bubble of Olympic glory, has well and truely burst , trying to jump on the Olympic bandwaggon , hasnt worked , as the public arent stupid and wont fall for it , because nothing has changed ecomony wise, its still as bad now as it was before the Summer
The contrast in receptions for Osborne and Brown are really quite interesting. One booed, one applauded.
Know of 5 people who have personally told me that the anybody but Brown vote in the last Election was a mistake , they all voted for Comdems, Never again, and they all earn over 50k py
The current government - bitching, slagging and laughing at them !!! All content here please anything not started I here will be merged which will make it a mess so please contain the content here
How come cannonball's thread (6 posts) is still kicking around out there and my thread (18 posts ) has gone oh mistress of the lash ?
It was intended to be shite but it was successful shite, Cannonball's is dull and unnsuccessful now go and sit in your bloody shed . Mind you it did achieve it's purpose, the creation of this thread .
The cabinet reshuffle What does everyone make of it then? Lansley being removed is the one that sticks out. Cameron said he backed his proposals but the truth is, Lansley embarrassed him. Clarke has been replaced by Chris Graying as justice secretary too. Probably an age thing though, he's getting on a bit is Ken.